Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Computer purge = great discoveries

I found these poems on my computer when I was tiding up my documents. I can't remember if I wrote them or if I found them somewhere. This is a humbling confession, but I really love them and I would like to embrace the person who wrote them and, if it is myself, I would be glad. Nevertheless, enjoy:

Boobs and Botox

A monogrammed note card is all I get

For years of enduring your lies

The politics of friendship to which I was so naïve

Can’t a good honest person be president someday

Oblivious to the truth I live

Caught in some parallel universe of pedicures and implants

I value goodness not a good package

Maybe I really am jealous of the life you tell everyone you live

I am really a self-righteous hypocrite

Maybe my most valuable possession is the ablility to be good

And I threw away my niceness with scorn for your bluff.

Reality Show

Subway number 9

You left

And I saw you go but you can not not taste my loneliness

And grief for what I did and did not do

Risen lord only knows when you will come back again

And maybe he will bring you along when he comes again and both of you could judge me at the same time

talking it over like reality contest judges

(Isn’t reality a contest?)

Air my shortcomings for all the world, or at least an audience who could text message, to decide my Final Judgement

Who will remain as your lover

And who will appear next season

I stand, feeling the sucking away sensation as number 9 departs the station

And you with it, indifferent, grasping a loop to stay steady

I will one day stand on another platform

Subjecting myself to Definition by the apathetic, unschooled opinions of another subterranean lot.